|   |  | It was the summer of 2016. I was 28 and single. I decided to give online dating a try. I had no clue it would change my life for the better. One evening I received a message from this guy who instead of sending compliments or the usual "hey, how are you", he instead was making fun of my profile, the way I phrased what kind of music I liked to be more specific. Feeling offended I decided to message him back to defend myself and soon found myself no longer offended but intrigued because the more we talked the more we seemed to have in common.
Fast forward to a few weeks later, our first date (Yes I made him wait a few weeks, my birthday was coming up and I was a busy woman celebrating) World of Beer, and of course I was running late. I was nervous because I wasn't sure if our amazing conversations through text would continue in person. I soon realized this was not the case; conversation was easy and natural.
Our second date was one for the books. We didn't have much planned (Nick is horrible at making plans by the way) so we decided to go to Creekside and walk around and get a few drinks. We ended up at Signatures, which it was 80's trivia night on the patio so we were excited about that. Later we realized we weren't so good with the 80's but our awesome bartender, Robin helped us out. The night turned in to one of the bests, I have never laughed so hard with someone. At the end of the date Nick walked me to my car and that's when we shared our first kiss. Electrivity! I always thought people were cheesy when they described a kiss as magical or they saw fireworks but BAM! It finally happened to me! I then knew there was something special about this man.
Now over a year later I'm engaged to that sensitive, Bengals fan, music snob of a man and I couldn't be more happy. Thank you Nick for being at the right place, at the right time, and for taking a chance on the girl who doesn't understand today's rap but prefers old school rap like Bone Thugs n Harmony ;) |
 | As I am sure everyone knows by now, Brittany and I met online like total losers. When I saw her picture I had to do some more digging to see of it was too good to be true. I was reading through her profile when I saw her music tastes in which she stated she liked, "Old-school stuff, you know like Bone Thugs n Harmony." I then knew that I had to talk to her. It wasn't long before we decided to go out on our first date at World of Beer (Also how I knew she was awesome). We had a great time and ended up staying out way longer than we should have. However, it wasn't until we went out on our second date that I knew that she was the one I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. We went to a bar....again because Brittany is a lush. We were at Signatures which is a little hole in the wall on 80s trivia night. We had drinks and made fun of the guy running the event all while cheating by asking the bartender for answers. We shared our first kiss while at the bar laughing and enjoying each others company, even though Brittany doesnt remember the "actual" first kiss. I remember going home and being so excited about the future. I knew from that day that I wanted her to be my wife.
Long story short Brittany is the woman of my dreams. I think I told my mom after our first couple of dates that I was going to marry her. She has made me happier, stronger, and definitely cleaner lol. Every day I spend with her I become a better man and I cannot wait to see what our future holds! |